• Over 25 Free Domains

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Unlimited Bandwidth

Enjoy unlimited daily bandwidth with your free account


Instant activation

Place your order and start to develope seconds after.


Customer Support

Questions? Here we are. Get response within 24h 24/7/365


Website Builder

Easily create websites through the step by step navigator. Add the company name, web site title, upload a logo, select a template, tweak the template styles...


350+ Auto-Installer Scripts

All our hosting accounts allow you to install popular software such as Wordpress, Drupal, Joolma and Magento in one easy step. Upgrading your software is just as easy!


cPanel Included

All hosting accounts come with the latest version of cPanel. This makes life easy for you to do routine tasks such as setting up email addresses and managing MySQL databases.


Latest PHP & MySQL

Our network runs the latest stable and secure versions of PHP & MySQL. We also implement strict security and firewall rules protecting your website from unwanted visitors 24/7.


cPanel Features

Latest technology for your website

  • Free Website Builder
  • Auto-Installer for 350+ scripts
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Useful guides included
  • 99.9% Service Uptime
  • Support within 24h

Note: old customers can backup their sites Here while we come back